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  • Bruguiera cylindrica was found in Chinaman Creek in January 2016. Known range extention of 170km from Cooktown. <br />Canon EOS 6D + EF400 F5.6L width:800;;height:533
  • New to Australia. Bruguiera hainesii was dicovered in January 2016 following the discvoery of Bruguirera cylindrica. <br />Canon EOS KDX (400D) + EFS60 F2.8 + SPEEDLITE 380EX width:800;;height:533
  • Dockrillia rigida (Smooth Tongue Orchid) found on a hybrid Phizophora<br />Canon EOS KDX (400D) + EFS60 F2.8 + SPEEDLITE 380EX width:800;;height:533
  • Lumnitzera littorea. I was looking for this species in the Cairns town area for nearly 4 years. Possibly this is the only tree left...<br />Canon EOS 6D + EF400 F5.6L width:720;;height:479
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